Please click on the papers below to read the pdf files.
(Most are available at
- “As We Leave Behind the First Year of the Earthquake…”, January 2024, The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey.
- “Turkish Economic Outlook”, January 2024, The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey.
- “Turkish Economic Outlook”, September 2023, The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey.
- “The Impact of and Policies for the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake”, March 2023, The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey.
- “Bank Lending in Turkey: Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policies,” with Deniz Igan, 2012, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade.
- “Incorporating Financial Stability into an Inflation Targeting Framework,” with Engin Volkan, September 2011, International Monetary Fund, WP/11/224.
- “Financial Linkages across Korean Banks,” with Myeong-Suk Kim and Ho-Seong Moon, August 2011, International Monetary Fund, WP/11/201.
- “Formalizing Financial Stability Considerations in the Conduct of Monetary Policy in Korea,” August 2011, with Seung-Cheol Jeon, Minsu Kim, and Engin Volkan, IMF Selected Issues Paper.
- “Ghana: Will it be Gifted or Will it be Cursed?” Working Paper, International Monetary Fund.
- “Bank Lending in Turkey: Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policies,” with Deniz Igan, October 2010, International Monetary Fund, WP/10/233.
- “Performance of Fiscal Accounts in South Africa in a Cross-Country Setting,” September 2010, International Monetary Fund, WP/10/217.
- “Cyclicality of Revenue and Structural Balances in South Africa,” September 2010, International Monetary Fund. WP/10/216.
- “Exchange Rate Assessment for Sub-Saharan Economies,” July 2009, International Monetary Fund, WP/10/162.
- “An Analysis of the Macrofinancial Risks in the South African Banking System,” July 2009, South Africa Selected Issues Paper, International Monetary Fund Country Report 09/276.
- “Big Leaps in Financial Market Development and Small Size Enterprises,” March 2009, Social Science Research Network, Working Paper Series (with Bilin Neyaptı, Bilkent University).
- “Banking Structure and Credit Growth in Central and Eastern European Countries,” September 2008, International Monetary Fund, WP/08/215.
- “The Euro and Cointegration Analysis of Long-Term Bond Yields,” January 2006, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
- “The Euro and Stock Market Volatility,” June 2005, University of Southern California, Los Angeles (Yılın en iyi ikinci makalesi olarak ödüllendirilmiştir).
- “The Short-Run Impacts of the Euro on the European Union Trade,” December 2004, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.